[Sanguinetti, Gianfranco]. Giovannelli, Gianni (pseud). Le Secret c’est de tout dire! Paris: Allia, 1989. 141 p.; 14 x 22 cm.; off-white wrappers with text in black and grey. First published in Italian as Il Segreto e dirlo (Verone: Scriberus Club, 1983). Trans. Monique Baccelli.

“This book is the fictional autobiography of Salvatore Messana, a clever; determined and financially successful enemy of salaried work, bosses and bureaucrats. Written by Gianna Giovannelli, it was first published in Italian in 1983 & translated into French in 1989” (AK Press).

Gianna Giovannelli is believed to be a pseudonym for Gianfranco Sanguinetti. In a letter to Charles Vincent from 25 February 1991, Guy Debord writes: “Did you know of this recent book by Gianfranco? There are a few nice things in it” (Correspondance Vol. VII, p. 262). As Bill Brown notes in the introduction to his English translation of the text (under the title Never Work: The Autobiography of Salvatore Messana): “Note that the identification of ‘Giovannelli’ as a pseudonynm used by Sanguinetti – which is something that Gianfranco himself has denied – is repeated by the index included in the very last volume of Guy Debord’s Correspondance, published by Librairie Artheme Fayard in 2010. Under “Giovannelli, Giovanni” it says ‘see Sanguinetti, Gianfranco'” (Brown, p. v)

Scarce in the trade with 8 copies on OCLC.
